James Dulley's
Cut Your Utility Bills column
for Statewide Editors Assoc.

    "Saving money in an
Earth-friendly manner"


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James Dulley Bio
Mechanical Engineer
Avid Do-It-Yourselfer
  Nationally-Syndicated Columns
(200 newspapers and magazines)

If you have any problems downloading the columns or the graphics, please contact me at dulley@dulley.com or call me at (513) 231-6034.

Dulley March 2017 column - .TXT

Dulley March 2017 column - .DOC

Column Topic High-Resolution Graphic Download Links
259u - "Select the best super-efficient house construction technology for your new home" - c259-1.jpg - The circular house uses many insulated wall panels with an open floor plan for efficiency and interior design flexibility. - Photo credit - Deltec Homes

- c259-2.jpg - This efficient house construction method uses many insulated wall panels and self-supporting roof trusses. - Photo credit - Deltec Homes

- c259-3.jpg - These insulated concrete forms use webs between the foam side to create the width of the gap for the concrete. - Photo credit - Eco-Block

- c259-4.jpg - A crane is used to install insulated roofing panels on the a house constructed of SIPS wall panels. - Photo credit - Winter Panel

- c259-5.jpg - The channels along the edges of the panels are interconnected with reinforced steel for extreme strength. - Photo credit - American Ingenuity

- c259-6.jpg - A basic post and beam house frame to be covered with insulating foam core panels. - Photo credit - Timberpeg

- c259-7.jpg - This steel frame uses red iron on wide centers with additional supports in between them. This is a very strong house construction method. - Photo credit - Tri-Steel