James Dulley's
Cut Your Utility Bills column
for Statewide Editors Assoc.

    "Saving money in an
Earth-friendly manner"


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James Dulley Bio
Mechanical Engineer
Avid Do-It-Yourselfer
  Nationally-Syndicated Columns
(200 newspapers and magazines)

If you have any problems downloading the columns or the graphics, please contact me at dulley@dulley.com or call me at (513) 231-6034.

Dulley April 2016 column - .TXT

Dulley April 2016 column - .DOC

Column Topic High-Resolution Graphic Download Links
163u - How to get more natural light indoors efficiently - c163-1.jpg - Hang a decorative mirror on wall opppsite a window to reflect the natural light. - Photo credit - James Dulley

- c163-2.jpg - A short straight tubular skylight provide the greatest amount of light indoors. - Photo credit - Velux

- c163-3.jpg - A flexible tubular skylight allow for any angle indoors and the ability to weave around attic obstructions. - Photo credit - Velux

- c163-4.jpg - This schematic shows the components and installation details for a typical rigid tubular skylight. - Photo credit - Tru-Lite

- c163-5.jpg - This is a tubular skylight being installed on a shingle roof. Notice how the shingles fit over the flashing to eliminate leaks. - Photo credit - Solatube

- c163-6.jpg - This shows an installed tubular skylight installed on a roof. Notice the high roof dome and the frosted diffuser in the room ceiling. - Photo credit - Sun Pipe

- c163-7.jpg - This tubular skylight has a dimmer option which is powered by a solar cell panel on roof. It requires no special wiring for simple installation and efficiency. - Photo credit - ODL