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Plant Selector Guide
Lamiastrum galeobdolon (Yellow Archangel)

Main Perennial Plant Selector List | Plant Word Search

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Plant Type: Perennial
Uses: Groundcover, Wildflower/Meadow, Foliage
Propagation: Division, Root Cuttings
Habit: Low, Spreading
Light: Full Sun
Flower Color: Yellow
Blooms: Summer
Width: 2 ft.
Height: 1 - 1.5 ft.
Fertility: Rich, Moderately Rich, Average
Soil: Alkaline, Neutral, Acid, Well-Drained
Zone: 3 - 9

Hardy Perennial. A vigorous, spreading perennial which is grown for its yellow flowers and good-looking foliage. A perfect choice for the woodland garden or shady nook. Cutting back after flowering will maintain a neat appearance and promote further flowering. One recommended cultivar is 'Herman's Pride' and another is 'Variegatum' (pictured), which is also known as 'Florentinum'.