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Plant Selector Guide
Anchusa azurea (Italian Bugloss)

Main Perrenial Plant Selector List | Plant Word Search

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Plant Type: Perennial
Uses: Border
Propagation: Division, Seeds, Root Cuttings
Habit: Upright
Light: Full Sun, Part Shade
Flower Color: Blue
Blooms: Summer
Width: 1 - 1.5 ft
Height: 3 - 5 ft.
Fertility: Rich
Soil: Neutral, Well-Drained
Zone: 3 - 8

Hardy Perennial. The flowers of A. azurea resemble a large Forget-Me-Not and have a downy look to their flower stems. Cut back after flowering to encourage further blooming and divide every 2 to 3 years. You should water well during dry periods and vigorous growth may produce a need for staking. Recommended cultivars are 'Little John', a dwarf variety suitable for mass planting and 'Loddon Royalist' which grows to about 3 feet high.