James Dulley Photos from Tim Allen Visit

I recently received a telephone call from Tim Allen Signature Tools to see if I would like to visit with Tim Allen for a weekend to review his new line of hand and power tools. Of course I said Yes!, and hopped on the jet to Hollywood.

Below are several of the pictures from the trip. This is actual Tim's huge garage where he set up the old "Tool Time" TV set and has over two dozen race cars and hot rods. All the cars that you saw on the Home Improvement TV show are there.

Jim and Tim on old "Tool Time" set

Tim and his wife discussing charities

Tim in front of hand and power tool display

Tim demonstrating power tools

Tim demonstrating one of his power tools

Jim and Tim discussing the new tool line

View #1 of "Tool Time" set in Tim's garage

View #2 of "Tool Time" set in Tim's garage